The today’s song has a long title: I’ve got the blues ’cause I can’t play the blues (IGTBCICPTB). You will find it in the album “#blues – quel giorno che ho venduto l’anima al Diavolo“.

In the first lineup of NTFC Band, Elijah Porter (member of a Gospel choir in Dallas) was the singer with his blues roots clearly emerging in the voice tone and in his own mood. With Elijah were part of the band band: Emiliano Girolami (guitar and vocals), Remo Gallipoli (bass), Matteo Di Francesco (drums) and Carlo Di Francesco (percussions). We were in the late nineties.
Elijah, sent me an email for kidding me (or, at least, I hope so). The mail was about the rules to comply to be allowed to play the blues blues. To play the blues you have to be black, fat, your girlfriend shouldn’t be beautiful and possibly she has to cheat on you. You’ve got to be called after an US President and you better being blind. The blues players usually drive a Caddilac and… they have shot a man in Menphis. So, no way for me. Several “impossible to overcome” hurdles did not allow me to get the infamous crossroad.
For those reasons I got sad and, finally, I got the blues until I was able to write a song, this song:
I’ve got the blues ’cause I can’t play the blues
Emiliano Girolami ’97
I’ve got the blues ’cause I can’t play the blues
I’ve got the blues ’cause I can’t play the blues
I’m gonna tell you what’s the story
And why I have nothing else to choose
I never got a Caddillac but once I drove a Chevi Corsica (and this is good man!!)
I never got a Caddillac but once I drove a Chevi Corsica (and this is good man!!)
You know, I could have shot a man in Memphis
But guess what? I’ve never been in Memphis
I think I got a good woman and I know you say this ain’t good
I think I got a good woman and I know you say this ain’t good
I’m not blind, neither black or fat
And I know you say this ain’t good man
I’ve been once in New York city looking for the blues
I tried again in New Orleans
I found out just a little Voodoo
Spent a whole year in Dallas Texas
They say I haven’t got the mood
But if I can’t sing the blues I feel like I’m getting the blues
But if I can’t sing the blues I feel like I’m getting the blues
It’s like a dog chasing his tail
And (after that) starts running for the pain