LEaF live at Ada Nurzia

Tomorrow, from 9.00 pm LEaF band live at Ada Nurzia in Tagliacozzo. Opening by Emiliano with a selection of songs from #roundshoulder. See youthere!

NTFC band live at Ada Nurzia

On October 24th NTFC band brought its electro-pop to Ada Nurzia. Splendid evening in which we also gave our small contribution to the fight against gender violence. Here are some …

NTFC Band 4 Unicef

In October 4th 2023 we have had the pleasure of playing for the charity event organized by the local Unicef Section. The event was held at Villa Elena, Morino (AQ). …

Thank you all!!

Thanks a lot!!! By Aug 25th we’ve closed the 2018 live season. Starting from January – in theatres first than in pubs and outdoor locations – we’ve been singing and …